Bottle 1 Larger of the 2. Measures 4.75 inches tall with stopper. There is still a remnant of the scent in the bottle. Very few of the dots on the bottle are blemished. Overall, it is in amazing condition. Bottom of the bottle still has the sticker CRISTAL LALIQUE PARIS. Bottle 2 Smaller of the 2. Measures 4 inches tall with stopper. 3.5 inches wide. There is still a fair amount of perfume in the bottle. Same consideration for washing out the bottle. Overall, it is in uniquely good condition. Obviously, the stopper fits very well, since the perfume has not evaporated. Bottom of the bottle is etched LALIQUE PARIS. Powder Box Measures 2 1/4 inches tall when both pieces are together. Base is 4 inches wide with slight overhang of the cactus design. There is a chip on the base that is about 3/4 inch long and a quarter inch deep. This piece is thoroughly washed since the scent is not apparent. Overall, the chip can be easily turned to the back and not affect the visual of the piece. LALIQUE PARIS is etched into the bottom of the base.