Flacon was designed by Kazimir Malevitch in 1900s. Was released in 1911, lived through revolution and war, and was discontinued when USSR ended. A bottle by a world-famous artist can be part of a perfume collection, a decoration for a perfume shop or your home as a decoration. Bottle height – 20 centimeters. In 1908, the owner of the perfume factory, Alexander Brocard, ordered Malevich to draw a package design for the Severny cologne. After the artist developed a sketch of the bottle, he handed over all his drawings to Adele Yakovlevna Yakobson. She was responsible for the bottle manufacturing technology at the Bakhmetevsky glass factory. “Northern” went on sale in 1911. The bottle depicted an iceberg with a polar bear standing on its top. The choice of the topic at Brokar’s company was by no means accidental: the entire end of the 19th century was marked by great interest in the Arctic, the public followed the expeditions to the north with bated breath. “Northern” was conceived as a fashionable thing, so they did not save on the bottle – hence the cracked glass, which is difficult to manufacture, and the double cap (a ground cork was hidden under the bear).