FULL Case of 168 Authentic Evyan Golden Shadows Bottles. Golden Shadows Evyan Perfume Bottle (1 ounce). 3 1/2 inches tall. Perfect for Perfumers or collectors! Evyan boldly titled their Golden Shadows fragrance The Scent of a Thousands Sensations. Only an extraordinary glass bottle could house such an extraordinary perfume. Each bell-shaped bottle has the silhouette of a stylishly draped evening gown. With fine details and graceful lines, our Golden Shadows bottles are even more sensational for their pristine condition. Each bottle comes wrapped in original 1950s newspaper. No perfume bottle collection would be complete without the classic Golden Shadows. We find these vintage. Irresistible not just for their remarkable condition, but for their history. Evyan was one of the first great American perfume companies. In the 1940s and 50s, when European perfume houses held the monopoly on fragrance, Evyan founder Baron Walter Langer von Langendorff created his first scent, the timeless White Shoulders. His wife was his muse, her own porcelain shoulders the inspiration. Finding great success, he went on to create. And more than 15 other perfume lines. But the Baron knew that his fragrances were only as special as their packaging. Long after the scent is gone, the glass remains. And in the case of our iconic glass bottles, this is especially true. Our vintage pieces were never filled, making them especially rare. Great Lady, Most Precious. Perfumes before the company replaced the iconic bottle stopper with the plain (and much less valuable) twist top.