Guerlain Shalimar Parfum 8.4 FL. The bottle stands 8 tall. The sticker indicates that it was produced between 1967 and 1976, per Raiders of the Lost Scent. Baccarat mark on bottom. Listing is for Shalimar only. It does not include the other bottle. I’m aware the Guerlain Flacon List on guerlainperfumes blogspot lists the 7.87 Baccarat Chauve Souris as being only 4.2 FL. I’ve compared this bottle to several 4 FL. Bottles of various shapes, and it obviously holds significantly more liquid. I’ve included pictures comparing it with a 6.5 8.4 FL. Flacon Bouchon Coeur Mitsouko, L’Heure Bleue, etc. I think the volumes of the bottles look similar (keep in mind the Shalimar is partially empty). I don’t think the Flacon Bouchon Coeur could be twice the volume of the Shalimar as the Guerlain Flacon List would have you believe. Flacon Bouchon Coeur is not included in the listing.